

Eric M. 莱特注册会计师,ctp, 威廉·米. 经销商中钢协, CTPRP, CTPRA, CCSFP

Outsourcing business functions to third parties is essential in today’s business environment.

虽然外包提供了诸如提高效率和节省成本等好处, it also increases an organization’s risk exposure to a myriad of threats presented by outsourcing.  Understanding how to identify and manage the risks presented by third party providers is vital for any business.  施耐德唐斯风险咨询bet9平台游戏团队拥有专业知识, 凭据和工具来帮助您构建, 实现, 调整, 并管理世界一流的第三方风险管理项目.

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Third-party Risk Management (TPRM) is a process of identifying and managing the risks created when hiring a third party to provide goods and services.

它的主要关注点通常是数据保护/隐私和IT安全控制, but its scope depends entirely on the nature of the services provided by the third party. 因此, 它可能包括业务弹性等操作问题, 金融诚信, 法规遵从性.


The practice of outsourcing services to specialized organizations continues to grow exponentially. 合格人才的短缺继续推动这一趋势, and statistics show that this shortage will continue throughout most industries for years to come. 事实证明,外包可以更有效地降低和控制成本, 提高公司关注度, 并获得世界一流的专业资源.

  • 第三方关系越来越被视为战略商业伙伴. Third parties are expected to maintain the same level of control throughout the environments where they store or process sensitive or confidential data elements.
  • 第三方关系是网络攻击的普遍目标和一贯目标. The cost of cybercrime is expected to continue to rise each year by trillions of dollars, 主要原因是数据泄露罚款和业务损失. Third-parties that process highly confidential data elements have the potential to be the root cause of a data breach, yet both the third party and their customers can experience significant downstream effects.
  • It is no secret that monitoring and regularly evaluating third parties is undoubtedly a good business practice and can help uncover and mitigate key risks. 除了是一个最佳的商业实践, regulators and lawmakers around the world are recognizing the impact that third parties have on their business partners operations and the responsibility they have as stewards of sensitive data. 正因为如此, there is increased regulatory pressure across a multitude of industries to ensure that third parties are appropriately evaluated for key risks.

Consideration of these factors adds up to one consistent sentiment: A strong TPRM program is essential to ensure strong business operations. 了解更多关于我们的信息 第三方风险管理bet9平台游戏 or bet9平台游戏 开始吧.


The Schneider Downs 风险咨询bet9平台游戏 team can help your organization with third-party risk management with our robust service offerings


由我们的安全、风险和合规从业人员组成的终身团队构建. We have leveraged decades of diverse subject-matter expertise and experience to be able to provide the following resources and tools:


施耐德唐斯是共享评估集团的注册评估公司, 明确领导者对第三方风险管理的指导. 我们的员工在供应商风险管理的各个方面都经验丰富, 并拥有必要的证书(CTPRP), 中钢协, CISSP, 等.) to achieve meaningful results to help your organization effectively achieve new vendor risk management heights. 了解更多信息或开始 bet9平台游戏.


Our team of experienced risk advisory professionals focus on collaborating with your organization to identify and effectively mitigate risks. Our goal is to understand not only the risks related to potential loss to the organization, but to drive solutions that add value to your organization and advise on opportunities to ensure minimal disruption to your business.

探索我们的全部 风险咨询bet9平台游戏产品 或bet9平台游戏的团队 contactsd@creative-concrete-design.com.


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每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. 如有其他要求,请填写以下表格.

